dimanche 7 mai 2017

Hypertext narrative in psychology

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Julia is a graduating student at the University of Montreal in Psychology. She is 25 years old and she recently got a boyfriend call Justin. One of her biggest dreams is to travel across Europe. There is a lot of opportunities that start to open up and she now got some trouble finding what could be the best choice for the future, can you help her? There are three different options that she will have when the summer begin.

Choice 1: She founds a job has a psychologist for policemen that need some help.
Choice 2: She follows her boyfriend Justin in the United-States because he got a job offer.
Choice 3: She decides to travel in France right after finishing the University.

Scene 1.

You decided that Julia get the job has a psychologist in Montreal's police Headquarter. She then live many different situations but don't know which one she should prioritize.
Choice 1: She is getting overwhelmed with her work.
Choice 2: She is getting depressed by the stories that some of the policemen tell her.
Choice 3: She fell that she is getting sexually arrased by her boss.

Scene 2.

You decided that Julia has to much work and she feel really tired because of it. She then got an opportunity for a raise and she would then have a premium wage.

Choice 1: She accepts the raise.
Choice 2: She refuses it to take less hours. 

Scene 3.

You decided that Julia is taking the premium waige but she has to work for more hours.
Choice 1: She is getting so tired that she is not able to work well. 
Choice 2: She is passing less time with her boyfriend to make sure that she is performing well at her job.

Scene 4.

You decided that she is so tired that she is unable to perform her job successfully. 
Start again: With her boss seeing that, he has no other choices but to fire her.

Scene 5.

You decided that she is seeing her boyfriend for less time in order to fulfill her obligation as a psychiatric. Justin finally decides that it would be better for both if the relationship is ending there. 
Start again: Julia is then so depressive that she took some medicine with alcohol and it finally killed her.

Scene 6.

You decided that Julia refuses to take a premium wage to have less working hours.
Choice 1: She is less working every month.
Choice 2: She always keep the same schedule.

Scene 7.

She learn that she was tired because she got a rare form of cancer.
Start again: After months of her suffering, she dies in an hospital.

Scene 8.

She is now caught in a schedule that can not give her any hope to have a bigger opportunity because it is a dead end job. Her boss is not confident enough in her to increase her responsibilities.
Start again: She is doing the same job for the rest of her life and is caught everyday in the same routine.

Scene 9.

You decided that Julia gets depressed by the stories policemen are telling.She is not sure she should continu.
Choice 1: She should resign from her job.
Choice 2: She should still try to make it work.

Scene 10.

You decided that she should leave her job. 2 days later, she learn that she is pregnant and she is not sure to now what to do. 
Choice 1: Stay in her house to be a mom at home. 
Choice 2: Go back on the job market.

Scene 11.

You decided that she should stay in her house to be a mom at home.
Start again: She is happy to pass has much time has possible with her son even if she miss working.

Scene 12.

You decided that she should go back on the job market.
Start again: Nobody want to hire her nowing that she is pregnant.

Scene 13.

You decided that she shouldn't leave her job. She now has a hard time sleeping and doctors prescribe her pills to sleep but she's not sure that she should use them.
Choice 1: She accepts to take them.
Choice 2: She refuses to take them.

Scene 14.

You decided that she accepts to take pills that would help her sleep.
Start again: It help her being concentrate at work but is often caught with nightmare at night.

Scene 15.

You decided that she shouldn't take the pills that are recommended to her..
Start again: She is unable to perform her job successfully and get fired.

Scene 16.

You decided that Julia should prioritize the fact that she fell that she is getting sexually arrased by her boss. Even when she told him one time to stop his behavior, he still act the same and she don't know what to do.
Choice 1: She should report him to his boss.
Choice 2: She shoudn't report him and make him understand by herself has a psychologist.

Scene 17.

You decided that it would be a better solution for Julia if she report his boss behavior to his superiors. After a discussion with them, they gave two solutions.
Choice 1: Her boss will be fired if she accepts.
Choice 2: She will have to change the department in which she was working to go to a new one.

Scene 18.

You decided that she accepts that herboss is getting fired because of the sexual arrasment that she suffers everyday.
Start again: She is now feeling way better with the new hiring of a new superior.

Scene 19.

You decided that she changes the department in which she work to go to another one .
Start again: She got a new boss but every time she encounters the old one, she feels insecure.

Scene 20.

You decided that she shoudn't report him and make him understand that it is not an acceptable behavior to flirt with his coworkers. It doesn't work and after a while, she got to choose between :
Choice 1: Give up and change her job.
Choice 2: Still try even know she will hardly change his mind.

Scene 21.

You decided that she should give up and leave her job for another one.
Start again: She don't have a job for the moment and is searching for one in the same field of study.

Scene 22.

You decided that she should still try to make stop the sexual harrasment even know she will hardly change his mind.
Start again: She finally got into a depression and stopped working for 6 months.


Scene 23.

You decided that she follows her boyfriend Justin in the United-States because he got a job offer as a french teacher. She just got there and can't find interresting jobs.
Choice 1: She should take English lessons to have more skills.
Choice 2: She should get an internship.
Choice 3: She should wait for a job opening.

Scene 24.

You decided that Julia should take English courses opportunity at an university to be able to bring more income. She then don't know where she should go take these courses.
Choice 1: She should go back to Montreal.
Choice 2: She should stay in the United-States.

Scene 25.

You decided that she should go back to Montreal to learn English. The problem is that her relationship with Justin might be in danger.
Choice 1: She should continu her relationship with her boyfriend from a distance.
Choice 2: She should end the relationship between her and her boyfriend.

Scene 26.

You decided that she should continu her relationship with her boyfriend from a far.
Start again: After one year, she go back to live with Justin.

Scene 27.

You decided that she should end her relationship with Justin.
Start again: They than stay friend but they went their own way.

Scene 28.

You decided that Julia should stay in the United-States to learn English because there's no better place to do it. She does ask herself in which type of institution it would be better to learn it.
Choice 1: Go to an american university.
Choice 2: Go to English specific classes.

Scene 29.

You decided that Julia should learn English in an american university .
Start again: After two years, she got a job in the U.S.

Scene 30.

You decided that she should learn English in a specific institution.
Start again: It helped her quickly finding a job with a premium wage.

Scene 31.

You decided that she should get an internship. She is not sure in what type of institution it would be more rewarding.
Choice 1: Go in a international private company.
Choice 2: Go work for the government in a public institution.

Scene 32.

You decided that Julia should try to get an intership in a private company. She get offer a paid intership but in a different field of study.
Choice 1: Change her field of study to get paid.
Choice 2: Stay in to get an intership in Psychology even if it's non-paying.

Scene 33.

You decided taht she should get the paid intership even if this mean to let go Psychology.
Start again: She got paid for the intership and then she accepts a job offer but is unhappy for the rest of her life to let go of her passion.

Scene 34.

You decided she should stay in Psychology to get an intership even if it's non-paying.
Start again: After the internship, she got a job that she love.

Scene 35.

You decided that she should go work for the government in a public institution. She don't know how old should be the patients she could accept to start in her profession.
Choice 1: She should consult with kids and teenagers.
Choice 2: She should consult with adults.

Scene 36.

You decided something which brought you here. Briefly say what the choice was, provide closure, and end the story.
Start again: She feel like she is really changing those chidren's life and she decide to do it for 40 years.

Scene 37.

You decided that she should consult with adults.
Start again: She find it hard on the nerves and redirect herself in younger customers .

Scene 38.

You decided that Julia should wait for a job opening in her field of study. She found two jobs but with very different schedule.
Choice 1: Work during day time.
Choice 2: Work during night time.

Scene 39.

You decided that she should work during the day time in a new job that she just found. While they perform a backround check, they saw that she did some prison in the past and the company ask her if its true but Julia is not sure of what she should respond. 
Choice 1: She say it's true.
Choice 2: She denied those allegations.

Scene 40.

You decided that Julia should admit that she did prison.
Start again: The company appreciate her honesty but is still fired.

Scene 41.

You decided that she should denied those allégations to keep her job.
Start again: The company don't believe her and she get fired.

Scene 42.

You decide that she should work during the night time because it will be paying more. The problem is that her and Justin have a very different schedule and she don't know if she should care about it.
Choice 1: She shouldn't worry.
Choice 2: She should worry.

Scene 43.

You decided that she shouldn't worry about the schedule difference.
Start again: The relationship between the two is derailing and they leave each other.

Scene 44.

You decided that she should care aboutthe conflict of schedule.
Start again:She does resign of the night job to save their couple.


Scene 45.

You decided that Julia should go on a trip to France after her studies in psychology. She is really excited to go there and her boyfriend accept to go with her. When they got their, they visited Paris and really feels like this is the best experience of her life and it is the nicest place she saw in her life. But one night while Justin was asleep, Julia saw some weird messages and when she peeked at Justin's cellphone, she saw text messages of a girl telling him that she is missing himand Julia understand that Justin was maintaining a relationship with an other woman. She leave him and decide to make a drastic change to her life and open consulting office in suburbs of Paris.

Start again: She will finally live there for the rest of her life.


Return to the start.

Hypertext narrative template for digital ESL literacy
Last modified: Monday, 27 March 2017, 08:15 AM

jeudi 6 avril 2017

A Day in the Life of an Anthropologist

A Day in the Life of an Anthropologist

The Social Sciences have emerged through the meeting of different cultures that have crossed their path or simply heard spoken about. It is in that optic that today I am going to introduce you to a profession that has passionate a lot of person for a few millennia. The ancient Greeks are the first to practice the profession of anthropologist and they created it to learn more about the previous civilizations. The first subject that will be approach is the job description, then the difficulties that can be encounter of being an anthropologist and finally the qualification require to practice this job.

First, the anthropologists are scientists who study the development and behaviors of human beings throughout the past. Depending on their area of expertise, they examine biological, archaeological, linguistic or sociocultural traditions. Anthropologists can travel the whole world to be able to examine the ruins of older civilisation. They can either travel to some of the most exotic lands around the world or examine and try to compare our civilisation to those that were there before us. It is a job that make you really study the actions and development of everyone around you.

After, the principal difficulty that can be encounter for an anthropologist is the loneliness in which he works. The majority are teachers in different universities and they got to publish books exposing they’re theory to get the credit that they deserve. They are often writing about different theories and then they have to go confirm them. So, the second biggest problem is the expenses that excursion cost. For example, an anthropologist that want to go see some ruins in South America has to buy a plane ticket, and make sure to be able to live in a different country for months. An anthropologist can for sure work on their own. There are companies who will require the services of a consultant for independent research.

 Finally, there are some qualifications that are necessary for everyone that want to be an anthropologist. To be able to teach in universities, student in Anthropology have to at least earn a PhD in study linguistics, sociocultural anthropology, biological-physical anthropology, or archaeological anthropology. Other anthropologist students make plans of careers as researchers and educators with colleges or museums. The first job that are taking by those graduated students is an internship with an experience teacher in the same field of study. To study in Anthropology classes, you need to have make other studies in History, Psychology or Politics.

I hope you learn more about a profession that may be not very known by the majority. If you have any question on the subject or just want to give your opinion don’t forget to leave a comment below.



dimanche 19 mars 2017

3 Websites Everyone Interested in History Should Know about

3 Websites Everyone Interested in History Should Know about

If you have followed the blog since the start, then you know what this article will be about but for the new readers just know that this blog is essentially about history. This week, the listicle will be about three websites that should interests everyone that is passionate by history or just want to use it for some homework in youre secondary class.

1. Simply the Best History Site.

The first website and maybe the most important for everyone who are not expert in history but want to learn more about events that had an impact on the society we live in. It is not a simple website. It is very different because when you choose an historic subject it will give you a list of different websites that are directly in connexion with your subject. There is a lot of different categories to choose from: Ancient/Biblical History, American History, European History, Modern History, Military history and many others.


2. The Most Complete Canadian Website.


The second website is touching a more specific subject, the Canada. It is the website of the Canadian Historical Association. When you arrive on this website, you got a lot of subcategories to choose from. The principals would be the Canadian Encyclopedia, Historica Canada, History Education Network and Library and Archives Canada. This website may be a great source of help for anyone wanting to learn more about the history of our country and our ancestors’ past. This is the most complete website there is to find the information you’re looking for.

3. A Great Source for American History.

The final website is the us history website. It is a great source for learning every thing you want from the United States. Their site contains thousands of pages covering many aspects of U.S. History, among them there is the important documents, the important people and places. This website is a true important tool for everyone who want to learn new things about American history.



In conclusion, this is my list of favorite history websites.They are important to not forget where we come from and don't forget the great acts our ancestors did. Since I really care about the readers opinion, don't forget to leave your opinion in the comments section lower.

samedi 18 février 2017

Historian Glossary

The field of study in this blog will be about History. Since the course that im taking is Social Sciences at Ahuntsic College is about Political and historical views, I decided to post a lexic on this subject.

term 1: Archaic

definition 1: Of a linguistic form commonly used in an earlier time but rare in present day usage except to suggest the older time, as in religious rituals or historical    novels.

term 2: Herodotus

definition 2: Greek historian.

term 3: Roman
definition 3: Relating to the ancient or modern city of Rome, or to its inhabitants and their customs and culture.

term 4: interpretation

definition 4: The act of interpreting. elucidation; explication.

term 5: analytical

definition 5: Pertaining to or proceeding by analysis (opposed to synthetic ).

term 6: culture

definition 6: Quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is   regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.

term 7: cognitive

definition 7: Relating to cognition; concerned with the act or process ofknowing, perceiving, etc. 

term 8: discourse

definition 8: Communication of thought by words; talk; conversation.

term 9: protocols

definition 9: The customs and regulations dealing with diplomatic formality,precedence, and etiquette.

term 10: apprenticeship

definition 10: A person who works for another in order to learn a trade.

term 11:  Colony

definition 11:

Group of people who leave their native country to form in a new land a settlement subject to, or connected with, the parent nation.

term 12: Reform

definition 12:

The improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory, etc.

term 13: Charter

definition 13:

A document, issued by a sovereign or state, outlining the conditions under which a corporation, colony, city, or other corporate body is organized, and defining its rights and privileges.

term 14: Issue

definition 14:

The act of sending out or putting forth; promulgation; distribution.

term 15: Accounts

definition 15:

An oral or written description of particular events or situations; narrative.

term 16: Anthropology

definition 16:

The science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.

term 17: Methodology

definition 17:

A set or system of methods, principles, and rules for regulating a given discipline, as in the arts or sciences.

term 18: Sociology

definition 18:

The science or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; the science of the fundamental laws of social relations, institutions, etc.

term 19: Primitive

definition 19:Being the first or earliest of the kind or in existence, especially in an early age of the world.

term 20: Context

definition 20:

the parts of a written or spoken statement that precede or follow a specific word or passage, usually influencing its meaning or effect.

Source: http://www.dictionary.com/