jeudi 6 avril 2017

A Day in the Life of an Anthropologist

A Day in the Life of an Anthropologist

The Social Sciences have emerged through the meeting of different cultures that have crossed their path or simply heard spoken about. It is in that optic that today I am going to introduce you to a profession that has passionate a lot of person for a few millennia. The ancient Greeks are the first to practice the profession of anthropologist and they created it to learn more about the previous civilizations. The first subject that will be approach is the job description, then the difficulties that can be encounter of being an anthropologist and finally the qualification require to practice this job.

First, the anthropologists are scientists who study the development and behaviors of human beings throughout the past. Depending on their area of expertise, they examine biological, archaeological, linguistic or sociocultural traditions. Anthropologists can travel the whole world to be able to examine the ruins of older civilisation. They can either travel to some of the most exotic lands around the world or examine and try to compare our civilisation to those that were there before us. It is a job that make you really study the actions and development of everyone around you.

After, the principal difficulty that can be encounter for an anthropologist is the loneliness in which he works. The majority are teachers in different universities and they got to publish books exposing they’re theory to get the credit that they deserve. They are often writing about different theories and then they have to go confirm them. So, the second biggest problem is the expenses that excursion cost. For example, an anthropologist that want to go see some ruins in South America has to buy a plane ticket, and make sure to be able to live in a different country for months. An anthropologist can for sure work on their own. There are companies who will require the services of a consultant for independent research.

 Finally, there are some qualifications that are necessary for everyone that want to be an anthropologist. To be able to teach in universities, student in Anthropology have to at least earn a PhD in study linguistics, sociocultural anthropology, biological-physical anthropology, or archaeological anthropology. Other anthropologist students make plans of careers as researchers and educators with colleges or museums. The first job that are taking by those graduated students is an internship with an experience teacher in the same field of study. To study in Anthropology classes, you need to have make other studies in History, Psychology or Politics.

I hope you learn more about a profession that may be not very known by the majority. If you have any question on the subject or just want to give your opinion don’t forget to leave a comment below.